When you pick up a sword; I will pick up a plowshare.

When you speak with a bullhorn; I will speak with a whisper.

When you express yourself with a gun; I will express myself with my words.

When you bully; I will protect.

When you intimidate; I will stand with the strength of gentleness and resist you.

When you seek power; I will seek service.

When you breed intolerance; I will create unity.

When you feed on fear; I will provide assurance.

Where you sow suspicion; I will grow trust.

You can raise your voice; I will raise my argument.

You can yell at me, face close to mine, hands raised, spittle issuing forth from your angry mouth, and I will look you in the eye and stand firm.


You see, you are counting on me to be afraid. You are counting on me to give up and give in and join the cacophonous voices of violence and intolerance. You think by intimidation, you will draw me into your hate.


But I will not…I repeat, I WILL NOT…join you there.


I believe in the power of Peace

Of Reason

Of Non-violence

Of Acceptance

Of Compassion.


And I’m raising children, good humans, who believe the same.


Make no mistake, I’m not turning the other cheek. I’m not standing idly by while you destroy the ones I love.


But I will fight in MY way, not yours. I will actively resist and work against you.


I still believe in love. After all of this, I still believe in love.


And again I say, I BELIEVE IN LOVE.


When all else seems lost, love will win. And when it does, when Good is victorious, I will be there to reach out my hand and offer it, even, to you.