Pro-tips for those of you who are in the “Who Can Be the Most Sacrificial Mom” competition that seems to be thriving out there:
- I do NOT drive kids to school when there’s a bus available. I told my kids that it was bad for the environment to have hundreds of parents driving their kids to school when they could all go on one bus. Truth was, I hated rush hour and waiting in carline. Now, if you have a science project to take to school, I’ll drive you to the bus stop. I’m not a monster.
- Speaking of which, if you miss the bus, you shall pay me in cold hard cash (or chores) for the chauffer service. And I will lecture you the entire way to school because it’s my right. You made me late to Crossfit, dammit.
- I stopped going to back to school nights, parent-teacher conferences, etc. a decade ago. I know that everything in education is still stuck in the dark ages, but can we all just agree that we don’t need to meet in person like is 1865? Send me an email, call me (I probably won’t answer), or ask me to come in if there’s a problem.
- I refuse to make fancy, homemade treats for parties. Oh, I was a 25 year old mom once and everything I brought to every event was Martha Stewart level awesome. But I got tired of working my butt off for 4th grade ingrates. My kids know to sign up for chips or paper goods, or something that can be purchased at Costco.
- The exception to rule 4 is the occasional education of their classmates as to what constitutes good food. I’ve been known to have an entire 6th grade class come to my house to learn how to roll tortillas, taught a couple of kindergarten classes how to make individual homemade apple pies using local apples, and driven across town to buy $150 worth of REAL croissants for a French class party. It’s my contribution to humanity.
- No I will not bring your forgotten homework/lunch/musical instrument/field trip form unless I’m already going to town and near your school on an errand. If you really need it, my rate is $5 per forgotten item. (Note: Once I took this too far and refused to bring Macie another shirt after she had a bloody nose. She promptly called my best friend, her “nice” mom, who not only brought her clothes, but a Lululemon jacket. I have not lived this down to this day.)
- I don’t check homework, and only check grades often enough to let you know if you’re grounded or not. If you want to fail Algebra, fine, but you’ll have no social life until it’s fixed. These new apps that let you know the second your child misses an assignment are going to be the downfall of Western civilization.
- I also don’t help with homework unless the child begs, pleads, or sobs. I already finished sophomore year. I hated it then and I don’t want to repeat it.
- I will go to all of your concerts, games, and poetry competitions, but I won’t bring you a bouquet of flowers like you just played a concert at the Met.
- My bedtime is 9pm. I don’t drive, help with homework, or take you to Walmart because you forgot tomorrow is field day after 8pm. If you’ve been an absolute doll this week, I might push it to 10 on the weekend (once per weekend). What I WILL do is stand in freezing drizzle at Red Rocks with you to watch The Fray, drive through a blizzard to get us to John Mayer, rent an airbnb to take you and your friends to ComicCon, or fly with you to Vegas to see Justin Beiber.
So, are my kids awesome? Well, they still like me, which is good, and they regularly show up on the Dean’s list and leadership councils. They’re super independent (one might argue TOO independent). They do their own school shopping. They don’t wait around for others to make decisions. They never ask me for money. So I’d say my selfish, lazy parenting allowed them to be the independent, amazing young women that they are. You’re welcome, children.
Photo by Jordan Bauer on Unsplash
I can vouch for all.of.this! You go mama!
Oh. My. Word! I LOVE this!!!!! My kids are 9th, 6th & 3rd so I am the old mom in the 3rd grade group, and I think those moms think I am a heartless monster!!! Ha!! The 9th & 6th graders are making the top grades & fierce competitors on any field, so I am not changing. Let the administrators judge!!! Love your writing, btw.
High five! Hahaha! Thanks for taking the time to read and for your lovely comment!
Love this so much! Thanks!
Thanks for taking the time to read!![:)](
Yes. To all of these. Yes. Me too. Hedge the hell out of me, I care not!
Lol love it! :)) thanks for reading!
Yesssss!! All of this. Glad I’m not the only one. I have friends who bring their child every forgotten item and to this day the 18 yr old can’t leave somewhere without forgetting her things !
Face palm. My worst nightmare! Thanks for reading!
Where were you and your wise words 15-20 years ago?! I could’ve used this advice. Took me until my youngest was in high school to realize and accept this.
Thanks for sharing. Hopefully you have helped some younger moms see the light!
What a lovely comment, thank you!