Let’s be real: I was never going to go to the Crossfit Games. I was a sliding-into-her-40s stay-at-home mom who was looking for something to help keep the weight off. It’s not Crossfit’s fault that I fell head over heels in love with something I could never be good at. It’s not Crossfit’s fault that I got serious about something I should have taken lightly, or pushed myself past what my body wanted, or hated myself for not being able to master double-unders.
But after 4 years, I was so over it. I quit, determined never to go back. I told myself I hated Crossfit with a passion, and that yoga was more my speed. I was burned out, fed up, and tired. I took a year off.
So that was dumb. But it was necessary to get my head in the right place. I started back a few months ago, at a different gym where no one knew my name or my tendencies to hate myself. I could work out anonymously and rewrite my story.
And now, I’m back in love with Crossfit.
Here’s what I learned in my year off:
- When you’re 40 (or 50 or 20 or whatever age you think is right), Crossfit is best in small doses every week. It’s not a great daily hobby for “mature” bodies.
- Do something besides Crossfit that makes your training more meaningful. Yes, we love our traps and butts and abs, and that’s hella reason enough to go, but what about becoming a better biker or hiker or, for me, horseman? Now, everything I do IN the gym is informed by my hobbies OUTSIDE of the gym. I don’t make sacrifices for Crossfit; Crossfit makes sacrifices for me.
- Your butt doesn’t stay high and tight doing only yoga. There is no substitute for heavy squats. I repeat: Squat. Heavy.
- No one cares where you finish in a wod. If you do, that’s on you.
- Pick a weight that makes your body happy. End of story.
- You’re not a hero when you hurt yourself or push through injury. You’re just dumb. (4 fingers pointing back at me, people.)
- You should leave Crossfit feeling better than when you got there, physically AND mentally. Short term AND long term.
- Don’t put the keys to your happiness in a barbell’s pocket. The weight on the barbell does not determine your self-worth.
- Don’t work out until you puke. Leave that to those who enjoy puking for fun.
- Don’t judge your running speed based on those who run for fun. In fact, don’t compare yourself to anyone. For anything. Ever. Stay in your zone.
- If you need to rest, rest. If you need to go fast, go fast. Listen to your body.
- Take rest days. Take a walk. Take a nap.
- Too much yoga will make you do dumb things like think about eating tofu.
- There’s a yin/yang balance that needs to be maintained in our lives. Too much Crossfit turns me into an aggressive asshole. Too much yoga turns me into a spacey overly-emotional unicorn.
- Never skip something fun (a day outside, a hike, a bike ride with your kids) for a wod.
- Crossfit folks are the only ones who won’t judge your tendency to think avocados and whiskey are a perfectly acceptable dinner. I need those people in my life.
- Do more mobility. The yogis are right. Don’t skip it, ever. And I’m not talking about some cursory hamstring rolling before the wod; I’m talking zeroing in on muscle insertion points and shoulder girdles.
- You don’t have to tackle your goats unless you want to. This does not reflect badly on your character. I don’t want to do a HSPU. So I’m not gonna. And I’m not gonna feel bad about it either. I am terribly bad at overhead squats, but I could marry them, I love them so much. So I’ll work on them.
- Crossfit is full of geeks, freaks, weirdos, and people who take themselves way too seriously. It’s a good tribe.
For those of you who don’t have any trouble being reasonable or moderate about stuff, this is probably a no-brainer for you, and you think I’m a raving lunatic. And you’re actually right about that.
But if, like me, you’ve cried in your car or told yourself you’re a shitty, lazy person because you’re slow at burpees, this is for you. I’ve seen you. I used to be like you. Don’t burn out – let Crossfit light a fire in you that will be sustainable for the long run.
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash
A BIG HIGH FIVE! I laughed about what too much crossfit does to you and too much yoga. I think I can totally relate to all of this ha ha. I have had to take several months off due to a back injury and dumb me thinking to push thru the pain. Crossfit is crazy fun and until you do it, no one gets it. But I’m almost 48 and it’s time to be smart about my body staying healthy so I can continue to do all the things I love. Great read thanks
30 something dude and I needed to read this. Great post.
Glad you stopped by!
Great post! I forwarded it on.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!
I appreciated and enjoyed your article. Thanks! Now, about HSPU’s, lol. If you ever get to Denver, come see me at FRCF and I’ll coach you up on them!
Well, I live in Ft Collins, so I may take you up on that!
Be warned: I tend to cry when I go upside down. haha
Great read. Full of relatable nuggets!
Thank you for taking the time to read, Shawn! Blessings.
Thank you! I’m 38 with 2 boys and heading into 4th year of CF. I quasi took this year off and was playing a ton of tennis. I felt I just didn’t have the heart for CF anymore. I was burned out, dealing with plaguing “issues” and looking for excuses to skip class. I had to reevaluate my goals and expectations. I wish I had read this a year ago!! Would have saved me some grief!!
Ah, thank you for the lovely comment! Good luck to you as you enjoy your family and awesome hobbies!
I’m 63 and can relate to much of what you wrote. Have had to realize that I have to listen to my body and be satisfied with ME and where I’m at. I, too, will never do a HSPU. Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome! Thanks for stopping by!
A friend sent this article to me, and it was right on time! I’m a 42 year old female crossfitter who used to be pretty good. I have had about a year and a half off due to surgery (non sports related) and a shoulder issue. Now, in my opinion, I suck at crossfit. I wanted to quit yesterday, until I had a revelation: I just want to be healthy, happy, and fit! How many calories I can row in a minute on the rower and how much I can strict press mean absolutely nothing! This article confirms my current mindset, and I appreciate you for writing it so well and for being so transparent! Thank you!!
Love that! Crossfit becomes a lot more fun when it works for you. Good luck on your continued recovery! xo
Highly relatable. Feeling burnt out on crossfit but also so hesitant to take a break. It’s been 4 years of fun but now I have to drag myself to class. Thank you so much for the article! It gives me hope that if I take a break, it’s not the end.
It will always be waiting for you. Maybe a shorter break to see how it makes you feel? Life is short. Good luck!
I’ve often thought about trying crossfit, it look intimidating and competitive. As much as I would love to challenge myself, I’m very self-conscious so having people around turns me into a turtle. I love all your advice and tips, perhaps someday I’ll give it a twirl.
You’ll never meet a more supportive group of people – both coaches and athletes. It’s competitive if you want it to be, and only intimidating until you get going. I am similar to you and I feel very comfortable working out with others now. Give it a try! Thanks for stopping by! Blessings.
I couldn’t agree more… at 64, after 7 years of Crossfit, I think I am much better at determining what I can do and what I can’t do, and yet I still try new things, new weights just to see what my body can do without causing harm. Physical activity for me is like a big stew… some of this and some of that….yoga is a nice addition as are Pilates, walking, hiking, biking, and swimming. My goal is to stay happily active as long as possible. I am going to make a list of the points you made that speak to me and post it in a place I can see daily! Thank you for your honesty and wisdom.
Wow, what a thoughtful, lovely comment. Thank you for stopping by! Have fun!
Thanks for this! 51 and a little over one year into C.F., and I love it. But I have had to relax my ego a bunch and act at my level of fitness. I want to love this for life. Thanks for supportive wisdom!
Ah, the ego. It gets us in trouble, doesn’t it?
Thank you for reading and good luck on your journey!
Love your post. I am 63 and started CF about 6 months ago in a “Masters” class. What a game changer. I love it. CF Ramsay is a total community and everyone is so supportive even if you don’t know their name. You do CF together. You belong. Love ringing the bell. Still can’t do burpees but who cares? If I don’t, no one else does. Go three days a week and look forward to going and feel fantastic after. But I have pain. I asked if it would go away and the coaches said no, it is good pain. I went hiking with my son a couple of months back and we were in Sedona. I am blessed to have a 34 year old son who takes his mom camping (tent) and hiking. We did a 19 km hike and I thought that I had nearly died by the end of it. It had scree, Lots of it. Scree gets into my head as I had broken my ankle a few years back bushwacking and fell on the scree. My son said that he wouldn’t of taken me on this hike if he hadn’t seen the improvement by going to CF. I told him that I was dead and he said “Mom, it is a good dead”. I listen to my body and do my wods. Great, great advice, especially about the pukers.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment! So glad you’re finding your way. Thank you for stopping by!
Oh how I loved this!
Thanks for reading and for taking the time to comment!
I don’t totally agree with your post, there are a few good points and I think it depends on where you want to be on life. A well rounded fitness that includes swimming, biking, lifting etc. are all great things but what a box brings to a community is much, much more. I think you might be a the wrong box not the wrong fitness. Still a good read for opinions.
Mid-way through my post, you’ll see that I changed boxes and am having a much better experience.
This made me laugh out loud. I resemble your remarks!!! I’ve been struggling with the balancing and you helped me by putting what I can’t explain into words. I now have a direction and I will succeed at finding my balance!! Thak you!
Thanks for stopping by, Tammy!
I don’t know how I missed this!!! And of course I have a comment! Totally amazed at how many people you touched here!!
I love what CF did for you, and then worried at what I saw… Then you switched it up and began yoga and I saw gentleness come back into your life as well as strength and fierceness! It was amazing! Soooo happy you have found the new balance, the acceptance of yourself, the love of strength of body. You are a joy!! Plus you look amazing!! ;))